On my way |
The last post that I posted was a quick preview to the first race I was participating in of the year. The race was called Snotcycle. I want to start by saying that the race was put together nicely and seemed to be well organized. Full disclaimer, this was the first time I had done a race put on by
Go Time Racing so I have nothing to judge it on...The conditions seemed to be extreme for a race but I know that is the point of this race, they hope for adverse conditions. I had never ridden at the
Freedom Center Trails either, the trails are laid out great, a lot of ups and downs for the area! I wasn't expecting all the climbing riding in Leesburg, VA. I will end the introduction by saying that I would do this race again but I wouldn't if the weather is the same next year...I will explain...
I woke up early the day we raced. I knew I had a 45 minute drive with good road conditions but it had snow/sleeted all night and it was cold! I left my house in a rush to get there and only ate 2 bananas and a bagel. The whole drive down there I was thinking that the trails will be frozen so they should be fairly fast. I was also thinking about all the training and pre-riding I hadn't done yet. I guess that is one of the points of this race, knock off the cobwebs. The roads weren't all that bad and I made it a little earlier then I had expected but a plus was getting a good parking spot. There is not much parking there. I went right to the tent and got checked in... I had been bullied, well maybe not bullied but persuaded to take part in this race by a friend I have made through cycling. He arrived not long after me and we discussed the normal stuff, how neither of us were ready for a race and both decided that this would be a good eye opener and something to set season goals for ourselves. Of course each of us were convinced that the other was going to stomp us. Turned out I won that...haha
Lap 1 bundled up |
Then it was race time. The real ringers had already started and it was time for the Cat II 40 and unders to start. I didn't belong in that cat but I wanted to do more then one lap which was the other option besides riding with the steeds. I took a place mid pack with my buddy knowing that this was primarily if not all singletrack and on the first lap at least with the trail conditions there wouldn't be too many opportunities for jockeying.(not that I expected to pass a lot of guys) I was just hoping that I could stick with the mid guys and maybe edge a few out along the way. It was safe to say that I had underestimated the trail conditions. When we first started it wasn't too bad but conditions quickly diminished. We were single file for only about a half a mile then we hit a decent climb after a creek crossing. On that climb everyone was sliding sideways down the hill having trouble getting up. I for some reason didn't and passed a large group on that climb but that would turn out to be the end of good things for me. I believe I led a train of riders for a while then the trail started to thaw and become a muddy mess. I had also decided to wear a little too any layers as well as a face wrap that was fogging my glasses. Had to stop and remove those. I don't see too well without glasses and cant do contacts so I was screwed...Everyone in the train passed me including my buddy and I never could pull them back the rest of the race. The trail conditions continued to worsen with the thaw and traffic. Then I was relieved because I saw the finish line, one lap down...2 more to go!
Lap 2, pre-crash |
After I crossed the line I was able to shed a layer and get it to my buddies pit support(his lady) and then trudged off on another lap. I rode alone for almost all of this lap. At this point the trails were getting really rutted and sloppy. There were points that were fun but I kept thinking about the trails after this race. We were doing a lot of damage. The climbs were so washed out that my rear tire was out to one side or the other spinning and trying to catch traction. All the slipping and riding through inches of mud wore me out. On the 3rd mile on the second lap I went down hard and my right hip found a root. That really hurt and I was ready for it to be over with, I had decided at that point that 2 laps were good enough for me. When I limped it across the finish line I knew I didn't have another in me. I let the organizers know and bowed out. I took a DNF which was truly hard for me to do. I felt a little better when I found out that a few others had been done after 1 lap. I also found out that my buddy had gone out on his 3rd lap. I was ready for dry clothes and something to eat!

I got to my vehicle and loaded the bike on the rack, then went straight for the dry clothes. I met some nice guys in the car next to me and got a few nutrigrain bars which hit the spot! I don't know if he will read this but again, Thank you! I warmed up the truck and hit the road! Like I said in the start, I enjoyed the race, but I couldn't help to think that we were a little irresponsible riding those trails in those conditions.
I had never known about that trail
system and now that I do I plan on
returning soon! I hope the trails are in
good shape!
Post-race cleanup |
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