Well it has been a while since I have written a post. A lot has happened in my life in my absence from the blog. The most important of those being the birth of my second child, Lincoln. It was another awesome experience for our family. I have also been pretty busy training for the Tough Mudder coming up in just a week and a half. All that and a few other things has made it hard to sit down and write. There has been a few topics I have been outing back to write about and this was at the top.
I have started a new cycling program strait out of the book, "Ride Your Way Lean" Selene Yeager (see picture below) . I have noticed that I had put on a few pounds while on baby leave without the consistent running or biking that I had been doing. It was time to renew my subscription to "Bicycling" magazine and I recieved this book as my gift. It's funny, I subscribed on my Nook but they sent a paper copy book to me as a gift. I dove into this book immediately. I found it very interesting and the author added many success stories along the way to help keep you motivated. It really didn't take me long to decide to do one of the cycling plans laid out in this book.
There ate many different plans laid out in the book but I decided to go big or go home. I started the 30-50 pound weight loss plan right out of the gate. (See picture below) I had some pretty good success in the foray week of the program, I am only in week two now. The first week I logged over 80 miles and seven plus hours of saddle time. That is more riding in a week then I have done in a long time. I have been taking advantage of my gym time at work to ride so that really helps, then I try for one good rode on the weekends. It's hard with having little ones but my wife rocks so I am able to squeeze a ride in here and there.
I would suggest this book to anyone really but even for experienced cyclists this is a good read. I also like that there is no meal plan to go along with this, just some suggestions of meals and types of foods to help one achieve their goal.
"Ride Your Way Lean" - Selene Yeager

I have started a new cycling program strait out of the book, "Ride Your Way Lean" Selene Yeager (see picture below) . I have noticed that I had put on a few pounds while on baby leave without the consistent running or biking that I had been doing. It was time to renew my subscription to "Bicycling" magazine and I recieved this book as my gift. It's funny, I subscribed on my Nook but they sent a paper copy book to me as a gift. I dove into this book immediately. I found it very interesting and the author added many success stories along the way to help keep you motivated. It really didn't take me long to decide to do one of the cycling plans laid out in this book.
There ate many different plans laid out in the book but I decided to go big or go home. I started the 30-50 pound weight loss plan right out of the gate. (See picture below) I had some pretty good success in the foray week of the program, I am only in week two now. The first week I logged over 80 miles and seven plus hours of saddle time. That is more riding in a week then I have done in a long time. I have been taking advantage of my gym time at work to ride so that really helps, then I try for one good rode on the weekends. It's hard with having little ones but my wife rocks so I am able to squeeze a ride in here and there.
I would suggest this book to anyone really but even for experienced cyclists this is a good read. I also like that there is no meal plan to go along with this, just some suggestions of meals and types of foods to help one achieve their goal.
"Ride Your Way Lean" - Selene Yeager