For those of you that do hop on here and read my blog it has been a while since my last entry. I believe I have had one post this year so far. The truth is that I haven't really had too much cycling related to talk about. So far this year I have logged less than 500 miles on the bikes. I did complete another
Tough Mudder event this April so I am pretty pumped about that. I am also pumped for what I have coming up this weekend. This weekend I am riding as many laps as I can in support of a fellow mountain biker with cancer. I cannot think of a better subject to write my season opening post about. I will be honest, I have never met the fellow cyclist but I am really anxious to meet him Saturday.

Brian Fults is an inspiration for me in the short time I have followed his story. I have recently become friends with a few of his close friends that told me about him. Everyone speaks very highly of him and his accomplishments. I recently watched a
speech that he gave at a benefit dinner that honestly had me shed a few tears. Brian is terminal now after beating cancer many times before. I think the most touching thing for me is his positive attitude and his care for others. Racing in this event is the least I could do to show some support for Brian and his family! Oh and its another excuse to throw a leg over the bike and ride!
I will be there Saturday riding 4 hours for the Bulldog. If anyone that is reading this has some time on Saturday and could make it out for a few laps I would urge you to do so. I know a lot of the guys that are gonna be there and they are great guys. More details are on the
BikeReg page which is below. There will be food and other goodies I have read but overall this is going to be a great way to get out and show support for a fellow mountain biker!